Letting Go and Letting in the Light

One cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.

Andre Gide

I've been working super-duper hard on my portfolio this week, and blogging Wednesday has crept up from behind as a surprise. 

As it turns out, I don't have many thoughts to share today, as I've been spending every day thinking in pictures.  Sometimes my mind forms sentences and paragraphs, and sometimes it forms shapes and colours; sometimes expressing myself in pictures feels more natural than words (and vice versa).  

If I were completely honest, I'd tell you about how insecure I'm feeling about my portfolio. It's almost like stage fright. Now that I'm preparing illustrations for an important audience, I'm suddenly feeling small and inadequate.  All I want to do is hide behind the curtains and procrastinate by sharpening pencils until they're stubs. 

So, I've been distracting myself with pretty pictures.  We all know pinterest is lovely, but what about all those lovely photos you've taken yourself, and have hiding on your hard drive?  

Here are just a few thoughts and images that are inspiring me right now....  

Let's throw open the windows of possibility and let the light in.... 

{Bath Abbey, March 2013}

Isn't this photo fantastic? I took it on a recent trip to visit my cousins in Bath.  There was a mirror table, near the transept, which was meant to make it easier to see the gorgeous carving on the ceiling.  Instead I focused my camera at the reflection of the stained glass windows.  There's something so serene and uplifting about the luminous coloured light from stained glass windows. I can't fail to be inspired.